Liberty Brigade

Liberty Brigade Liberty Brigade is set for a December 1, 2023 launch. However, there’s been a lot of hitches in the process, mostly from sources outside my control. I have the first half of LB back from the editor and all the changes worked through. I await the arrival of the final pages on Nov […]
Sometimes You Gotta Have Help

Sometimes You Gotta Have Help Back in October of 2022, I decided I would fish the canal along University Drive from North Perry Airport to Stirling. There’s A LOT of fish in the canal including large mouth bass, peacock bass, carp, catfish, oscars, Mayan cichlids, snook, and tarpon. South Florida fishing at it’s finest. This […]

Dark Fraud finds Emily and Ryan thrust into an ongoing insurance investigation where the original investigator was murdered as part of a cover up by the shipping company. No more details just know that it is a wild ride and at some point in the book everyone feels like a fraud, even me, because I’ve struggled so hard to get this story out.
Dark Path – Book 8

Dark Hunt was a tough slog for me. I had to learn a lot about money laundering, watching movies, reading books and lots of Internet articles. Laundering can be as simple as taking money you made from a side gig and depositing along with money from your regular job and purchasing an asset such as […]
Dark Fury

Dark Fury launched Christmas Day 2019 and has been my best launch yet. I want to credit Ryan Stecker at for his editing services and helping me take my writing to another level. I hope you guys noticed the openings and endings of the chapters got better and I worked on the transitions that […]
Dark Paradise Research

I wanted to give you guys a look at what I use as resources when I write. I spend an inordinate amount of time on Google Maps and wish they had street view in every country, but short of getting on a plane and going there myself, which I consider every time I sit down […]
Dark Water

Dark Water is the second full length book I’ve written. It is the first in the Ryan Weller adventure series. While the plot remained the same, the book went through a lot of changes. Characters exchanged names, some got the ax all together, and some got better. After three or four rewrites, I’ve finally got […]