Dark Path is complete and uploaded to Amazon, ready to blast out on October 30th. I’ll let you in on a secret. You can buy the paperback right now! Leave me a review of you do. Thanks!
Dark Prey is around 30,000 words right now. I had it up to 40k and abandoned a story line within the book and rewrote large swaths of it. Now I’m back to where I stopped with the original and everything going forward will be new. The manuscript is due at the editor on Nov. 30 and I anticipate a release date in January as Pete generally takes 30 days to edit the MS and its well worth the time even if I wished he could turn it out quicker.
In the meantime, I plan to dust off a book I wrote many years ago and give it a good polish. It’s a political/conspiracy thriller with the unorganized militias uniting to retake the U.S. government. It seems to fit into the times we are experiencing right now even though I wrote when Barak O was in the oval office. Maybe you’ll see something you like in it as well. I anticipate that coming out in the spring of 2021 and hopefully it will just be fiction and not reality. And of course I will be hard at work on the the next RW Thriller Book 10 Dark Whatever ….
All right, my people! I don’t have much to say on this blog but do go VOTE!!!!!! This is an election that will fundamentally shape the nation as we know it. Don’t vote for one guy because you hate the other. Make your judgement based on policy and look at the track record of the candidates. And PLEASE BE KIND to those who have a differing opinion on which candidate to elect. We are all Americans and given the right to vote and freely choose who we would like to see in the oval orifice for the next four years.