Writing What You Know

Writing What You Know Writing what you know is widely considered a best practice or in my humble opinion it’s one of the most common pieces of advice young writers are often given. Of course, the great orator himself, Mark Twain, is quoted as saying: “When writing, it’s best to focus on subjects in which […]
Writers’ groups are good, but . . .

Writers’ groups are good, but . . . When I started writing, I searched for a writers’ group to help me improve my craft. I settled on one here in South Florida and met some amazing people who had wonderful stories to tell. I learned a lot about people, writing, punctuation, and really improved my craft […]

Writing. It’s tough. Especially when you’re a pantser. Here’s my tips to help you get through that muddy middle to finished first draft. When I tell people I’m working on my thirteenth book in The Ryan Weller Series and that I have three other books written but not published (different series) they always ask how I […]